Start a Walking Group
Start a New Walking Group in 2025
Do you have a goal of walking more in 2025? A great way to meet a walking goal is to plan to walk with other people! Identify a consistent walking buddy or two to build your own walking group.
Are you or your organization interested in starting a walking group? Contact Sara for walking group best practices or to schedule a training. See below for a list of current organizations who lead walks.
Lassen Park Ranger Led Walks
Visit Lassen National Park Services for more information.
Friends of the Redding Trails
Let’s get together and enjoy our world class trails. If you need a companion to walk with and don’t want to walk alone, this is the group. Meet new friends and get a fresh start on the day.
Find Friends of Redding Trails on Facebook and Meetup.
Redding Ramblers
For anyone who enjoys hiking. Find Redding Ramblers on meet up.
Shasta Dogs
Anyone and their dog(s). Find Shasta Dogs on Facebook.
Pink Feet
This is a woman only, Dog Friendly walking Group. We will meet ( during the school year ( late August-early June) mid day for walks. Afternoons and early evenings during the summer and weekends. We will walk up at Turtle Bay and Anderson River Park. Find Pink Feet on meet up.
Anyone who enjoys walking or running. Groups meet regularly to run/walk and host races.
Find SWEAT on Facebook.