Healthy Shasta Walks Passport 2024-Start the New Year Walking!
Do you have a goal to get moving more this winter?
Get motivated with the fun challenges on the new 2024 Healthy Shasta Walks Passport which begins January 1- February 29, 2024.
Individuals of all ages and abilities can participate in the Healthy Shasta Walks Passport Challenge. All participants must live or work in Shasta County.
All participants who complete and check off at least 10 different walks on the Walks Passport are eligible to be entered into a prize drawing.
Participants who black out the passport (complete all 25 walks) will also be entered into a separate drawing for a sporting goods store gift card. Walks cannot be counted twice.
By March 1, 2024, all passports must be submitted to admin@healthyshasta.org, or postmarked to Healthy Shasta, 2650 Breslauer Way, Redding, CA 96001. Prize drawing winners will be notified by March 15, 2024. Prizes must be collected by March 30, 2024, or prizes will be donated to future Healthy Shasta activities.