There are things you can do to make to make the healthy choice the easy choice in your home – helping you and your family to make healthy choices a habit. The following recommendations can help you prevent disease, maintain a healthy weight, and feel your best! Pick one today for you and your family to work on.
- Be physically active every day (walking is one great option!)
- Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables
- Limit consumption of soda and sugar-sweetened drinks
- Reduce screen time (TV, computer, video games…)
- Make healthy choices and limit portion sizes when eating out
Changing your home environment may seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be. Try some of the following ideas to get started in the right direction:
- Park further from the door to get in a few extra steps
- Put a bowl of fruit out on the counter and encourage your family to snack from it
- Drink water with your meals
- Turn off the TV during mealtime
- Remove TVs from children’s bedrooms
- Use smaller plates and bowls to encourage reasonable portion sizes
- See more tips by exploring the pages listed at left