Let’s Talk Prediabetes-November 30 Event Recording Now Available
If you missed the Let’s Talk Prediabetes online education event on November 30th, you can now view the recording at this link, Let’s Talk Prediabetes recording.
Enjoy some really informative presentations on Prediabetes Prevention and Lifestyle, Tips for Balancing your Blood Sugar and a local Diabetes Prevention Program participant testimonial. If you watch the recording by Friday, December 9th, you will be eligible to receive a prize bag that you can pick up at the Shasta Family YMCA during their normal business hours.
If you complete the event evaluation, you will be entered into a drawing for a 1-month Shasta Family YMCA membership or a $20 Farmers’ Market gift certificate. Complete the evaluation here:
Let’s Talk Prediabetes evaluation.
For more information or to reach out with any questions about the event, go to Turn it Around Shasta.