Put the WIN in winter. Join Winter Wheelers!
Take part in this personal challenge by hopping on your bike as much as you can this winter. Each day you ride your bike from December 1st- 25th, you’ll be entered into daily prize drawings through Love to Ride (use the Love to Ride App or connect through Strava). You’ll receive personalized messages to encourage you to ride even when the days are shorter. You’ll also have access to courses, tips, and informative articles to help you boost your biking knowledge.
This is an all-inclusive nationwide challenge that welcomes both seasoned riders and those who haven’t been on a bike in years. There is no minimum requirement or goal, it’s about challenging yourself to go for a spin (of 1 mile or more) as much as you can this December. Warm up with a ride on these cold days!
Here’s how to get involved:
- Register for free at https://www.lovetoride.net/shasta
- Log your bike rides before midnight to enter the daily prize drawings
- Invite others to take part for more chances to win