Volunteers Needed for Bike Ped Counts 2024
Can you spare a couple of hours to help with the 17th annual Shasta Bike & Ped Count? You choose one day/intersection (morning or afternoon) or count a few different intersections. Each shift is either 7-8:30 am or 4:00-6:00 pm. You can select the location and show up Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday (you do not have to count all three days). Our focus is to count annually the third full week of September (17, 18, 19th), however, if you are not available to count that week due to vacation, poor air quality, or an unforeseeable conflict, you can still sign up and count the following week, Sept 24 ,25, or 26. This ongoing data collection is invaluable toward securing funding for better bikeways and more in Shasta County. Sign up today! Print a few count sheets per intersection.