Calaboose Creek Walk, April 11, 2024, 5:30 pm
Join us on a 2-mile walk to explore Calaboose Creek, an urban seasonal stream that flows through Downtown Redding. While most of the creek runs underground, there are several locations where it attracts wildlife and can be viewed above ground. Take a walk in the downtown area along portions of the creek discovering where it hides and unveils. Learn about the significance of Calaboose Creek and how it has changed overtime due to development and how it will continue to change with the revitalization of downtown. Joining us on this walk will be Zach Bonnin, Planner from the City of Redding, Kirkwood and Donna Hale from Plantable Nursery & Cafe, and Gabriel Leete from the Shasta Historical Society. Walk will start at Plantable, 2024 California Street, Redding. Each walker will receive a printed map. This project is made possible by funding from Upstate California Creative Corps.